Sandra Guillory

5 Natural Foods That Make Your Skin Young and Beautiful


Everybody is looking for the opportunity to look youthful and for those who do not mind looking older they seek to age gracefully. To look radiant and beautiful, many people are going the extra mile to achieve their goals. Many people around the globe are investing heavily in the cosmetic industry with the goal of achieve radiance and beauty - this can be attested by the billions of profits cosmetic companies are making. The sad thing is that in spite of this investment, many people are running out of ideas on how to remain youthful. However, the best results are achieved by embracing a healthy lifestyle. These can be achieved in the following ways:

•    Vegetables

Vitamin A is an important nutrient that helps in ensuring a healthy skin texture. Therefore, fresh vegetables are recommended highly. Vitamin A is an important antioxidant that goes a long way in preventing cell damage and ageing. Therefore, you are assured of the fact that consuming vegetables will help treat acne. The best vegetables recommended for eating include sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots and other green leafy products like kale. Vegetables are also recommended because they help in offering relief from constipation because of the fibers. Therefore, vegetables play an important role in bowtrol cleanse.

•    Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C. They help the body with the production of collagen, which aids with the proper formation as well as structuring of skin. Collagen functions like an antioxidant by reducing premature ageing and cell damage by way of neutralizing the free radicals. Some of the most important citrus fruits include oranges, grapes, tomatoes, hot pepper and sprouts.

•    Nuts

Nuts are recommended for maintaining skin because they have an ability to undertake antioxidant activity. One of the common types of nuts is the almonds because they play an effective role in antioxidant activity. This is made possible by the Vitamin E present in the almonds which help with the retention of moisture in the skin. The vitamin E also offers relief from dryness, protects the skin from UV rays and combats effectively the free radicals that cause premature ageing and cell damage. Other important nuts include pistachios and walnuts.

•    The seafood

Oysters and the salmon are among the fish that can do great for the skin. Many other types of fish and shells are useful for skin maintenance. The major reason why seafood is preferable is because they contain omega 3-fatty acids and zinc. The omega3 fatty acids fight inflammation and dryness that result in quick ageing. It improves blood circulation as it keep the arteries clear, which is good for skin care. Zinc reduces acne and contributes to new skin-cell production and elimination of dead cells.

•    Eat whole grains

The main active components present in whole grains are rutin and Vitamin B. These ingredients are found in unprocessed whole grains. Therefore, the regular consumption of brown bread as opposed white bread offers many benefits. First, rutin plays an important role in fighting inflammation, while foods containing vitamin B such as wheat germ process fat, keeping the skin smooth and properly moisturized. Furthermore, whole grains contain fiber, which improves excretion to get rid of waste and toxins.

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